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Ashley Laughlin
School Counselor
Aedrin Albright
Social Studies Teacher
Velena Allred
School Nutrition Assistant
Jerry Alston
Bus Driver
Aubrey Amster
Music-Chorus Teacher
Krista Austin
Exceptional Children's Instructional Assistant
Joanna Bolding
Art Teacher
Gerson Bonilla
World Language - Spanish Teacher
Billy Brewer
CTE-Business Education Teacher
Morgan Brewer
Exceptional Children's Teacher
Pam Brice
English Teacher
Laura Bridges
English Teacher
Heather Brooks
Mathematics Teacher
Richard Brown
ISS Instructional Assistant
Raymond Caviness
CTE-Career Development Facilitator
Melinda Chase
School Nutrition Manager
Crystal Cox
PowerSchool (9-12)
Christa Daniel
Science Teacher
Mary Dark
Principal (9-12)
Marijo Davis
Technology Facilitator/Testing Coordinator