chatham county school bus

Chatham County Schools and Chatham County Government's Joint Transportation and Vehicle Maintenance Facility

Edulog WebQuery: click this link to enter your address and see your school assignment, by grade.

Welcome to Chatham County Schools’ and Chatham County Government Transportation Services!

We are a joint operation providing transportation services to Chatham County Schools, and vehicle maintenance for the Chatham County Government (CCG).

Our goal is to provide safe, reliable, efficient, high quality service when transporting our most valuable asset, the students of Chatham County Schools.  Safety is our number one goal, as we transport more than 4000 students on 100 buses each day.  According to the National Highway Safety Administration, students are nearly eight times safer riding on a school bus than riding in a car.  Riding the yellow bus is the safest mode of transportation to and from school.  Not only is it safe; it is a huge savings for parents who choose the bus ride for their children.  Using the American School Bus Council fuel calculator, Chatham County’s total community savings in fuel cost per year by students riding school buses is 303,162 gallons or (303,162 x $3.30) = $1,000,434.  We are here for you and would like to serve each child in Chatham County with the safest and most efficient transportation possible.

Our other goal is to provide quality service to our partner (CCG) in maintaining a fleet of over 350 county vehicles.

Rodney Weaver
Director of Transportation
Chatham County Schools

Chatham County Schools and Chatham County Government Joint Transportation and Vehicle Maintenance Facility

 P.O. Box 128

166 County Services Road

Pittsboro, NC 27312

Phone – 919-542-2715

FAX – 919-542-1208

Transportation News

2022-23 Bus Driver Awards

2023 Bus Driver Awards

Love the Bus (February 14-18-2022)

Now more than ever it is important to educate local boards of education, law-makers and the general public about the benefits of school bus transportation. Specifically:

The school bus provides access to the public schools that many students might not otherwise have.
The school bus is the safest way to get to and from school.
The community benefits by the conservation of fuel and the improvement in air quality around the school when students ride the bus. Click link above for more info . . .

Chatham County Schools Transportation makes NCBUSSAFETY news.

Chatham County Schools & Chatham County Government Open Joint Use Transportation Facility . . .

Chatham County Schools Transportation makes NCBUSSAFETY news. 

Click on link for more information.