
The Licensure Section is responsible for examining credentials and issuing professional educator's licenses that qualify individuals to seek employment as teachers, administrators and other special service personnel in North Carolina public schools. All professional employees of public schools must hold a professional educator's license for the subject or grade level they teach or for the professional education assignment that they hold.

The requirements for North Carolina Educator Licensure renewal are summarized in the shared document linked here. The North Carolina Department of Public Instruction "Online Licensure System" may be accessed from this shared link, which includes the option to lookup current licensure status for each educator.  Access Frontline to review current CEUs and licensure renewal information (listed under "My Info" within your Frontline Professional Growth menu).

To review Continuing Education Units (CEUs) and Professional Development opportunities, please visit and bookmark the Chatham County Schools Teacher Portal linked here. Additional resources for teachers are included below:

To learn more about North Carolina Licensure, visit:

Licensure Specialist

Beth Seawell

Email Beth Seawell

(919) 542-3626